Quest to develop excellence in the diverse teams SAP is taking consistent initiatives to avail all the resources of Human Capital. SAP feels that engaging them in competitive work, providing attractive salaries and perks is not the only motivation factor, most of the employees look for promising career and an opportunity to develop social skills.
At the elegance of Sariska Palace, SAP recently planned 2 Day Outbound Learning Program for 20 of its employees. The participants pertaining to two different teams and working in different functional units needed to have better interaction, facilitation and communication. ZICE again executed the effective learning program to assist SAP attain its objectives. The session started with interactive icebreakers to facilitate initial gelling and help participants attain comfort level. Ice breakers were followed by Team formation activities on random basis and teams needed to come up with creative Team identity, slogans and insignia. It was followed up by specifically set of designed activities like Hoopla down, Blind Cross Over, Dragon Tail, and Construction Game etc which tested teams at their bonding, synchronization, coordination and collaboration.
Teams were also given time to enjoy leisure and share light moments of fun and humor. Being the tiger reserve there was conscious excitement as well which added element of curiosity to the entire session. All this excitement was backed up with beautiful ambiance, elegant feeling and tasty meals.
Next morning the aim was to build transition and shuffljavascript:void(0)e participants so that they can attain ability to work with diverse and changing teams. To meet this objective, the collaborative team activity was executed in which participants were supposed to construct a blind stretcher with the aid of human capital and all the allocated resources and later carry one of the team members to specified destination through lot of clues provided to reach the same. The activity was path breaking as it demanded lot of mental skills and physical endurance to plan, coordinate, execute and accomplish.
At the end of session the participants were highly delighted to observe the rapid transition and positive development in their attitude and better crafted to work for dynamic and performing teams.
Training Team for Outbound : Ravi Dabbiroo and Kishore Repaka