ZICElife ZYCExplore

Zicelife is a company started by Ravi Dabbiroo : We deal in Outbound Training, Corporate Offsites, Team Building Workshops in Delhi and Hyderabad. www.zycexplore.com/#outbound

The Practical Cogiator

Folks I have come across a wonderful article:: Checck it out.

In The Practical Cogitator I came across the context, as here presented by medical pioneer William Osler (addressing his students): "As to the method of your work, I have a single bit of advice, which I give with the earnest conviction of its paramount influence in any success which may have attended my efforts in life—Take no thought for the morrow. Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day's work absorb your entire energies, and satisfy your widest ambition. ... The student who is worrying about his future, anxious over the examinations, doubting his fitness for the profession, is certain not to do so well as the man who cares for nothing but the matter in hand, and who knows not whither he is going."

Check the complete article at: http://my.linkbaton.com/get?genre=book&item=0395346355&for=tompeters

cheers ravi

Why we are the way we are

Why we are the way we are

We only have inklings as to how we are the way we are. Which parts of any of us are made, which parts self-made, and which parts born? The question inst easy one to answer, and we cant answer it solely; we define ourselves in our relations to other people: parents, mates, adversaries, boses, kids. What surviving cancer teaches you is the magnitude of your dependence on others, not just for self-definition, but for your mere existence. Cancer robs you of your independence; you are dependent on stoic doctors, nurses, parents, people around you, you will never be casual about your place in the human chain.

This was what legendery bike champ "Lance Armstrong" has to say on his life after cancer. He survived cancer and went on to win Six tour de france championships.

The story inspires me to a great extent. I always question my self what is it that I am going to day today.

T-O-D-A-Y is just not another day. It is a day where extraordinary things can be done. I am here today to acknowledge my presence in the human chain and am here to create a IMPACT.

cheers ravi

Ravi Dabbiroo | Founder, Chief :: Zice Holidays | www.ziceholidays.com

CRM :: Cutomer Relationship

CRM :: Cutomer Relationship

Why, despite spending billions of dollars in customer relationship programs and other customer initiatives, do some companies still exhibit poor results in gaining and holding on to customers?
Intentions and initiatives are common, but the harder task is living and executing them. Passionate and Profitable takes a critical stand on customer relationships and offers a new approach to help you build strong relationships that have customers returning again and again—for years to come!

There is not one company out there that doesn't claim to put their customers first, yet very few of them can demonstrate long-term success in forming strong, sustainable, and profitable relationships with customers.

A case in point is our company zice holidays when we started we dreamnt of creating everlasting customer experiences. Though in the initial stages we used to go .. some where we had to make a trade off... and that was one thing that we learnt from... to become a great company CRM has to be a part of the culture. We realized this and are in the process of having systems in place through which we can track our customer preferences and build a strong customer focussed organization.

So check us out on CRM in times to come and we will provide great experiences for lifetime. We value your holiday and you.

Passionate and Profitable details the critical decisions and trade-offs companies must make in order to focus their efforts on the customer. These choices are often tough but necessary to establish a relationship that goes beyond the occasional and accidental.

Some KEY questions to find answers are::

Who Are We: Customer Pleasers or Efficiency Crunchers?
What Is the Role of the Customer in Our Existence?
What Defines Our Total Experience?
What Customers Do We Neglect?
What Kind of Relationships Do We Seek?
How Do We Change Ourselves to Avoid the Silo-Based Customer Trap?
Do We Employ Functional Robots or Passionate Evangelists?
Post-Sales Dialogue and Feedback, Do We Really Care?
What Do Our Measurements Say About Us?
How Long Do We Milk Our Products?

Lior Arussy is the founder and president of Strativity Group, Inc., is the author of the above article, I have made changes to effectively present my case.


Ravi Dabbiroo | Founder, Chief :: Zice Holidays | www.ziceholidays.com

Loyalty and Competence

Loyalty and Competence

Top executives should rate their subordinates on loyalty and competence. Those who are more loyal than competent should be fired
because they are the dangerous ones.
They will stay forever while other more competent,
less loyal people will jump ship
as problems develop.

And the loyal, noncompetent subordinates will “protect”
their bosses from the truth. Reality will be
too threatening and ugly.

When truth dies, really bad things happen

---Shapiro, Slywotzky and Tedlow

Ravi Dabbiroo | Chief, Founder www.ziceholidays.com | 9891925475

Five Simple Clues for How to Recognize a Great Salesperson

Five Simple Clues for How to Recognize
a Great Salesperson

To understand what makes a great salesperson it is important to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Only then will you truly understand how to distinguish between a great sales person who can have a significant impact on the customer's bottom line and the conventional "Commission Seekers".

So how do you distinguish top professionals from the traditional sellers? Your ability to spot the top professional is more and more critical to your, your company's, and your customers' success. Look for these clues on how to spot great sales professionals:

1) They diagnose the customer's problem
2) They ask questions, rather than tell stories
3) They let the customer set the pace
4) They help the customer calculate the cost of their problem
5) They don't let the customer fall into the "creeping elegance" trap.

So guys now you know how to recognize your sales hi pots ...

You can check out the full article here authored by Jeff Thull.

Cheers Ravi.
98919 25475

Ravi Dabbiroo | Founder, Chief | Zice Holidays | New Delhi | India




I expect promises to be kept.
Not "approximately."
But e-x-a-c-t-l-y.
Is that too much to ask?

(I've traveled about 5,000,000 miles since I started public gabbing. Hurricanes. Tornados. Thunder storms. Blizzards. Political disturbances. Ice storms. Flu. Food poisoning. General angst. Bad attitude. Mechanical screw-ups. Grotesque stupidity. Evil spirits. So what? I'm not allowed to show up for the speech 20 seconds late, let alone 2 days late. "Hey, I know there are 3,600 attending my Saturday keynote, but I won't be able to make it 'til Monday; hope that won't be a problem." Nope. Ain't gonna work.)

Thats what TOM says .... and thats so bloody true.. Infact today we have started an organization wide initiative to keep promises e-x-a-c-t-l-y. This is step one to customer satisfaction let alone delight.

With Promise to keep you more cool stuff posted.

URL of the Day: www.alexa.com

Cheers Ravi.

Ravi Dabbiroo | Founder, Chief | Zice Holidays |

Beyond Hotels ...

Life Beyond Hotels

What is life beyond hotels .. Before that is there life beyond hotels .. The answer is definitive YESSSS!

Last quarter we have decided to built a chain of cottages catering to the needs of off beat holiday seeker.

The profile of folks who look at this kind of holidays is quite unique. These folks are different and they have an attitude to look life beyond the existing paradigm.

So if you are one of those cool folks who look life in a different paradigm .... then you need to go offbeat...

Welcome to zice holidays .. we are proud to say that we have India's Best Cottages lined up for you.

Cheers Ravi

Ravi Dabbiroo | Founder, Chief | Zice Outbound | www.ziceoutbound.com

Beyond Hotels ...

Beyond Hotels..

Life Beyond Hotel !

This is the next big thing that holiday seekers are going to look at. So what is Life Beyond Hotels ...

1) Offbeat
2) Pristine
3) Cool
4) The Inthing ...
5) Personal

You choose your pick ... Beyond Hotels are cottages very pristine and very personal with the best of attention. You would look at life in a new paradigm when you enjoy your next holiday in a cottage.

Cottages have that special aura built around them staying in them it self is an expereince ...

"....i have discovered a whole new my self at somerset cottage...." these were the comments of some of the folks who have ventured to these cottages ..

Now what does it take for one to reach these cottages ... "Attitude to Look Beyond"

Zice Holidays ... is betting big on this segment and we have some of the finest cottages with us.

So for your next holiday you know where do you want to go.

Life Beyond! It exists !

ravi dabbiroo | founder, chief | zice outbound | www.ziceoutbound.com