life skills
I am in the midst of designing a life skills outbound program for children. This would be an outbound fun based learning aiming to impart certain key skills to children. When thinking about the audience couple of things came across very sharply ...
Are today’s children from the SEC A+ segment ready to listen and accept change? This critical comment is made considering the fact that so called snob kids are a pampered lot and they don’t understand the sensitive issues! If this is the kind of attitude that children develop it would be an up-hill task to get an adaptable generation. I hope that today’s parents understand this important aspect and groom their children accordingly.
The objective of the program would be to address these issues and instill life-skills which would be use full for everyday living.
ravindra dabbiroo | director ziceoutbound | | 9891925475
Standing by tariffs, Donald Trump brushes off market swings
President Donald Trump has dismissed business concerns over planned tariffs
on several trading partners and possible economic repercussions. Despite
3 hours ago